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#42, Ground floor, City Plaza Shopping Complex, Hanuman Chownk, Bathinda (Punjab) India 151001
P: +91 8288032004


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Original Apple Juice
Original Apple Juice
The crisp, sweet flavor of garden fresh apples and the acidic balance will remind you of the misty cold hills of kasol and impromptu road trips. The Mania apple juice with goodness of vitamin C and beta-carotene with immunity boosting antioxidants tastes best with leafy salads and grilled vegetables.
Ingredients: 100% Apple Based Drink
Tetra 200 ml
160 ml
180 ml
250 ml
300 ml
500 ml
1 L
1.2 L
2 L
Essential Electrolytes
  • Na

    Sodium An essential electrolyte for humans, sodium is responsible for controlling the total amount of water in the body and regulating blood volume.

  • K

    Potassium It is hugely important for regulating heartbeat and muscle function. It forms the other half of the electrical pump that keeps electrolytes in balance and allows conductivity between cells.

  • Mg

    Magnesium Magnesium helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function, boosts the immune system, maintains stable heart rate and stabilizes blood sugar.

  • Ca

    Calcium It is critical for transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, and muscle contraction as the deficiency may lead to depletion of bone mineral density.

  • Cl

    Chloride It is primarily found in extracellular fluid & works closely with sodium to maintain proper balance and pressure of the various fluid compartments of the body (blood, inside cells, and the fluid between cells). It is important for maintaining proper acidity in the body.